God. Abba. Father.

You are our great Shepherd. You lead your children as you sit on your throne of grace in heaven. Hear our prayers. Restore us, God. Turn your face to shine on us; do not turn your face away from us.

May your anger cool towards those who sin. Thank you for providing a means to escape your judgment through your son, Jesus. Thank you for smiling on us, once again!

Once we were your chosen people. You cared deeply for us, as a gardener tends his vines. You provided mountain shade and cool water. And, as a people, we thrived. Then, we confess, we turned our backs on you. We rejected you. Many still do. Thank you for forgiving us. Please forgive those who continue to reject you, as they turn to you.

Thank you that you sent the One, your son, who sits on your right in heaven! He has put a new life in us! We worship you because of Him! Thank you for renewing our strength. Thank you for turning your face towards us. Thank you for giving us your peace and your salvation.

Through Jesus.

And it’s His name we pray.


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