God. Abba. Father.

Again, today we thank you for rescuing us. Even when the whole world feels like it is splitting apart, you will stop the trembling. You will heal our wounds. You will give us strength.  We thank you that you will give us the victory.

Thank you for giving good gifts to your children. Yes, every good gift we receive comes at your hand. When we are feeling unloved, you have given us love. When we are feeling hopeless you have given us hope. When we are feeling anxious, you have given us peace.

Thank you for answering our prayers for safety and protection. We rejoice that you are the One True God. We’re reminded of Isaiah’s word that nothing formed against you will stand. We thank you for that promise! We will shout in triumph for in you we have received the victory!

In you, and through our Messiah, even Jesus.


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