God. Abba. Father.

We are thankful for your justice which is faithful and true. And we are thankful that even the wicked have an opportunity for forgiveness. For if they didn’t have a chance at grace, neither would we. Yes, all have sinned and fall short of your glory.

Yet, today, we can rejoice because there is one hope for all of us. There is room at your Throne of Grace for everyone because of Jesus. And while the psalmist says good people are rewarded, we confess before you today that the only way we are seen as good in your eyes is because of the work of Jesus on the cross.

So, those who act like lions or cobras, or regular church-goers and nonattenders alike, receive the word from the Judge’s desk: we are innocent, our sins are removed, as we seek forgiveness we will receive the grace offered to us by Jesus.

We are humbled to be given such a favor, for we know that all sin is equal sin. Yet, for those who believe, we will receive an inheritance that we cannot fathom. So, we thank you God, for your kindness to those who believe.

We proclaim today that we believe, in Jesus and through Jesus, the hope of our salvation, the righter of wrongs, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings.


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