God. Abba. Father.

Thank you, Lord, for being our shepherd. You guide us along the path of life with love and care. We truly have everything we need. Thank you for giving us places and seasons of rest and quiet when we need it. Help us to make time for rest. Thank you for refreshing our souls when we take time to drink of your living water. Help us make time for your word. Resting in your arms is always revitalizing.

Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit and leading us to make right choices. Even when our paths take us to dark, desperate, or even lonely places, we need not be afraid for you are with us. We find comfort in you, always. We find safety in you, always. We find security in you, always.

Thank you for setting a banquet of blessings in front of us. Thank you for honoring us as your guests. We don’t deserve any honor in your presence, O Lord. But you have anointed us, you have set us aside as your children and we have blessings and more blessings at your hand.

You are so kind to us. Your love chases us down each day. With outstretched hands, we receive your grace in abundance. And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are confident of this: we will live forever with you! We can’t imagine the beauty of your throne, but we know we get to be there for all eternity. And we are thankful, so very thankful!

Because of Jesus, in whose name we pray.


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