God. Abba. Father.

We sing to you today! At dawn, at noon, at dusk. We look forward to another day because it means you have given us another 24 hours to praise your name! We will praise you among every tribe and people group all over the world. Your love is displayed in beauty among the clouds. Your glory covers the earth like a blanket made of sapphire. Your joy is on the smiling faces of those who love you from the depths of their hearts.

We thank you for sending Jesus to save us! Our Messiah is your powerful right hand, full of mercy and grace and truth and justice. Through his love, we are delivered. Thank you for turning your ear towards us and hearing our pleas for help.

Thank you that you have a specific purpose for every person and every nation. You have plans for each one of us. You have hope and future blessings reserved just for us.

We thank you for leading us to your throne. We thank you for going before us and defeating those things that defeat us. We trust in your leadership that brings us into a relationship with you. For knowing that you love us is greater than any other victory!

We praise you with music, song, instruments, breath, and every move we make today. May all we do today reflect your radiant glory.

In Jesus’ name.


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