God. Abba. Father.

We give you thanks today, for you are good and your love never runs out. Never! When we ponder just that single thought, we are in awe. You love us no matter where we live. You love us no matter our background. You love us, even no matter our poor choices. We can always run to you, and you will have open arms for us. Thank you.

Thank you for meeting our daily needs… food, shelter, water. Thank you for coming to set the captives free. Thank you for coming to bring sight to the blind. Thank you for coming to heal the brokenhearted. When we cry out to you, oh Lord, you save us!  You continue to bring us salvation. Day after day after day. Lord, when we make decisions that are not honoring to you, nor to us, and when we finally come back to our senses and lift our heads to heaven, when we get ourselves in trouble, you save us from our distress. Thank you!

Yes, we thank you and proclaim your goodness to the whole earth. Your love never fails. We sing and rejoice!

We rejoice because you make a way for us when we are journeying through times of wilderness or desert life. We rejoice because you calm the waves when we are in the middle of a raging storm. Even storms of financial distress, illness, or broken relationships. When we look to you in our personal disasters, you bring calm, you bring peace. Yes, you are our peace. You always lead us to safe harbors. We rejoice and thank you!

When we were poor and suffering, you were our rescuer. You are kind and full of provision and grace. Oh, how we appreciate your great love for us.

We thank you, always, in the name of our Messiah, Jesus.


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