God. Abba. Father.

Only you are God.

We start today with these great proclamations of truth: You are holy. You are our great King. You are in control. You are worthy of our praise. Let all the earth worship you!

History is filled with leaders who declared these same truths… Abraham, Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. We thank you for those even today who speak boldly of your love and faithfulness. Give us the courage to share with others these truths that you are writing on our hearts.

We ask you to meet our needs today: our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental needs. We trust that you hear our prayers. Give us ears to hear as you speak your answers, sometimes directly in your word, sometimes in the gentleness of creation, sometimes in the melody of a song, sometimes from the encouragement of a friend.

Thank you, Lord. We praise and worship you today! Only you are God.

Though Jesus.


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