God. Abba. Father.
Thank you for blessing your good earth. All is well with the people of Israel and those who worship you. Why do we say this? Because you have forgiven us. You have taken away our guilt. You have restored us and saved us through the blood of the Lamb; the Lamb who takes away our sin; the Lamb whose name is Jesus. Your Son and our Messiah.
We pray for revival in our land, in Israel, and in the hearts of people around the globe. You have shown us your great love when Jesus approached the cross. You confirmed your salvation for us at the empty tomb. You have given each of us a perfect peace that we don’t fully comprehend. We proclaim your glory! Thank you.
Your plan for us, for the world, is that love and faithfulness, grace and truth, justice and peace, will all come together in us and through us. We pray for that to happen. We need that to happen. In our land and in all the countries around the globe. This place is a confusing mess right now. We ask that you will heal our bodies, our hearts, and our lands. We need you, God.
We know none of this will happen because of politicians or great orators or business leaders or through pastors and rabbis. Your perfect peace in our lands will only come by Your hand.
By and through Jesus.
May it be so.