God. Abba. Father.

From the rising of the sun in the east to its setting in the west, we proclaim you are God, Yahweh, the One True God. You shine brightly from Zion because that is where your son Jesus rose again in splendor!

We thank you for being the Holy God, the fair judge. You set the standards. You are the God of justice. Your rulings are always honest. We thank you that you have decreed you don’t require animal sacrifices. For you have provided the only sacrifice that matters. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, who was sacrificed on our behalf.

Thank you that you created every animal in the forest, every bird in the air. Thank you that you own them all. Yes, even, the cattle on a thousand hills. And you can give any or all for our provision.

We thank you for your declaration that the only sacrifice you desire from us is that we are thankful and obey your word. Give us the courage and strength to be obedient. We thank you and we worship you for Jesus’ sacrifice and grace, which gives us access to you in times of trouble and times of rejoicing alike!

Thank you for your holiness and your high standards. You abhor the wicked, the thief, the liar, the gossip, and the adulterer. Yet, because of the provision of your compassion and forgiveness, you will welcome all who repent and turn to you. Thank you for your great love! Thank you for your promise to show us your salvation as we worship and obey you.

We bring glory to your name, not to ours. We honor and worship you with the psalmist today.

In Jesus’ name.


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