God. Abba. Father.
We proclaim today that we are standing on solid ground, the sure foundation of you and your holy word. We thank you for clearing our name in heaven. We trust in your unfailing love. We do not doubt your faithfulness. We say: examine us, Lord. Test us. Make sure we are true inside and out. Search our hearts. Let us know of anything that is untrue in our spirits. We remember your kindnesses to us. We have lived in reliance of your faithfulness. We desire nothing more than spending time with you, not with those who revile your Name.
We wash our hands, both physically and symbolically each day, Lord. We are pure before you, but only because of the grace of Jesus. We worship at your altar. We sing joyfully before you. We tell others of your great and mighty deeds, for there are many to tell. From our youngest days to today, you have been faithful to love us unconditionally and to provide for us abundantly.
We love to worship you. Whether in the holy temple or in the beauty of your creation. You are everywhere and we proclaim your glory! There are those whose hands are wicked, brutal, and mean. Keep us from them. Protect us. Rescue us.
Thank you! Our feet are firmly planted on your truth. We praise you every chance we get, oh Lord.
We proclaim “Hallelujahs!” to you through Jesus, our Messiah and King.