God. Abba. Father.

We put our trust in you, Yahweh, only you. We give you our hearts. Thank you for your promise that all who hope in you will never be put to shame. It is those who are deceitful liars who will be humbled.

We ask you to show us your ways. Show us how you work, God. Lead us. Take us by the hand as a father takes the hand of his young child. Guide us in your truth. Teach us. Thank you for being our hope. You are our Savior.

Remember your patience with us, O Lord. Thank you for always being kind to us, full of love and mercy. Thank you for your forgiveness and grace. Thank you for leading the humble to do what is right and just. Every road we travel, as we submit to you and keep your commands, will lead us to your throne.

Thank you, that though our sins are great, you have wiped the slate clean. Because of Jesus, you don’t keep score of our wrongs. He died to make peace between us and you. Thank you for showing the way to those who bow before you. Thank you for the assurance that our children will receive a great inheritance. We look to you great King, because you have rescued us. We are in awe of your ways. Help us to fix our eyes on you and you alone.

Show us your care, Lord. Help us to not worry about our daily struggles. Even those conflicts that rage inside us between our heart and our mind. Take away our sins. It seems there are a lot of people who don’t like us because we trust in you. Our enemies are all around. Protect us. Keep us safe. Do not disappoint us. Mend our broken hearts as we run to you. We trust in you alone, knowing you will save us!

Indeed, Yahweh, save Israel, too. We pray for peace in your land. Save your people from its troubles.

In Jesus’ name.


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