God. Abba. Father.

You are wonderful and we praise your name! Your temple in the time of David was on Mt. Zion. Strong and beautiful. Sacred and holy. Your citadels and ramparts defined your great power and might. And we rejoice because it was the crown of your majesty.

But the temple is not there in Jerusalem any longer. Your word says “the tabernacle is among men” now. Yes, Jesus is our King. He lives in the spiritual hearts of men and women. No one, past, present, or future, will ever be able to defeat you! No one is able to take you from your reign on the throne of grace and truth.

We ponder your great love. Your name, God, still evokes a train of “Hallelujah’s” wherever it is spoken. We are thankful that your temple is no longer in a single location on a single mountain top. Your temple is wherever we are because we are your children, created in your image, fearfully and wonderfully made. And you are to be praised around the earth! Jesus is our Savior and our judge. He is righteous, holy, and true.

When we see the ancient city, the strong walls and towers, we are reminded of your strength and protection in our lives, even thousands of miles from the City of David. When we dream of climbing the heights of your fortress, we are dreaming of worshipping you in heaven. We will share this dream with our children and our children’s children. For it is not a dream, but reality. We see you in the Land of the Living. We see you in the simplicity of the infant or the complexity of a beehive. We see you in the feathers of the birds in the sky above and in the garden flowers nestled in the soil. You are everywhere we look. And we praise you!

Your love guides us forever and forever. Today, we worship you and your Son Jesus, in whose name we pray.


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