PSALM 18 – part 2
God. Abba. Father.
Your ways are perfect. Your ways are just. Your road stretches straight and smooth for miles and miles. Thank you for this promise: “Everyone who runs to you, makes it.” Everyone. When we feel defeated or weary, we know we can run to you and we will eventually fall into your open and loving arms. You are the One True God. You are the Mighty Rock. There is none like you! You have rescued us. Thank you. Our footing is firm and secure.
You have given us the strength and the tools to defeat our enemies. With your Holy Spirit guiding us, we are like deer, who can gracefully and skillfully scamper up to the highest mountain top! And what a view! You have given us your Word, which allows us to be strong in battle. We hold tightly to our shields of faith. Your Son, Jesus, sustains us. The enemy turns back because we are covered in your armor.
We are considered royalty, because of you, O God. We will praise you everywhere we go. From one nation to another, we will sing of your glory, we will lift up your name around the world. You have given us victory! And we thank you for the promise that you have shown your unfailing love to your children, the descendants of David. From Jesus to each one of us who call out to Him.
And it is in Jesus’ name we pray.