Psalm 119–15, Samach
Support or Uphold, verses 113-120
Psalm 119 is broken down into 22 different sections, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Included in each day’s prayer is a common meaning of the letter, and the verses connected with that section.
God. Abba. Father.
Thank you for holding us up and supporting us and providing us with everything we need. We love your word and your truths. Forgive us when we get distracted, double-minded, and get lost. You are the place of quiet retreat where we find safety, encouragement, love, wisdom, and grace. We put our hope in you. You fill us up. You lift us up. You hold us up.
Thank you for keeping your promises to us. Your word is truth. Your word is life. We are in awe before you, the One True God. You judge the earth with careful righteousness. We thank you that as we embrace Jesus, our Messiah, you call us “forgiven,” “son,” and “daughter.” That’s when we tremble at your great compassion. That’s when we bow and worship.
We love you and thank you for Jesus.