Psalm 119–1, Aleph

Ox or Strength, verses 1-8

Psalm 119 is broken down into 22 different sections, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Included in each day’s prayer is a common meaning of the letter, and the verses connected with that section.

God. Abba. Father.

Thank you for your Word. Thank you for your Son, who is the Word. We humbly ask that you will give us the courage and strength to follow your Word, your Son, today.

We thank you for the blessings that come to those who keep your ways and seek you with all their hearts. You have given each of us a pathway on which to walk, one that is safe and steady and sure. Forgive us when we selfishly turn to the left or right in search of our own direction. Thank you for reaching out to us with your holy right hand when we call. You have designed us and created us. You know what we need. Thank you for guiding us back to your perfect ways.

When we are confused or lacking in sound judgment, remind us that you have already given us your Word, filled with wisdom and direction. Let us write your Word on our hearts so we have your counsel in our minds.

We praise you today for your Word. We thank you for its importance in our lives. Let us read, study and value it. Help us to honor, respect, and obey. For your ways lead to truth and peace. And thank you for your grace, which is best displayed in Jesus, our Messiah. Thank you for the relationship you have designed that we might have with Him, who is the Word. In Him, we find our true worth. In Him is life! He is the first and the last. The beginning and the end. We praise Him who was, and is, and is to come again! We love you.

In Jesus, the Word.


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