God. Abba. Father.

We sing a new song to you today! With each new dawn, there is an opportunity to praise you! We worship you from north to south and east to west. We declare your greatness because you have saved us! May every people group throughout the globe hear the good news that God is wonderful. He is great! He is worthy of our praise! He is the Creator, not the created. So, we give Him honor today.

He made the heavens. He made the oceans. He made the mountains. He made the meadows. He made the forests. He made the plains. He made the deserts. And he made each person who walks this Land. So, we shout from the bottom of our hearts: “The LORD, Yahweh, reigns! He is King! He rules the world!”

Even today, when our world appears to be on shaky ground. When politicians, professors, physicians, kings, business leaders, or even clergy believe they are the answer, we say, “No! God is our only hope. God is the One True God. God is the judge. He will set everything right.”

And we thank you, Father, for wiping the slate clean. Yes, because of the sacrifice of Jesus once and for all, our sins are forgiven, and every one of us has been granted access to your throne of grace. Thank you! Yes, you are the only way to seeing justice and freedom delivered to the nations and given to each of us personally.

So, let the trees of the forest sing for joy! And we will join in the chorus as well. You are the great I Am, the great judge. You rule the world!

And we are thankful!

Because of Jesus.


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