God. Abba. Father.
Thank you for being our fortress, our rock, our refuge in times of trouble. Even when the enemy has it out for us who are righteous. Of course, Lord we are only seen as a good person because of the work on the Cross by Jesus. We are only called righteous or good because of your Son. Thank you for your grace.
When the earth is crumbling, as it appears it is more so every day, what can we do? We run to you, sitting high on your mountain throne in heaven. We know that from that vantage point, you have your eyes on earth, you see everything. You test those who are honest. You despise those who are cruel and who love violence. Give us your eyes, Father. Let us see the way you see. Let us see the potential for good in everyone. Thank you for giving each person a choice in loving you or loving evil.
May your judgment pour down in your wrath. We thank you that your grace is swift to those who run to you. Thank you for loving justice. Thank you for your plan to ultimately put everything right in this world. Thank you that one day, those who call out to you, who repent before you, one day, we will see your loving face. And we will worship in glory and in truth! Your truth.
We love you and pray today in Jesus’ name.